StrutFoot Quad

The Quad system is a quick and easy solution to support heavy HVAC equipment with anti-vibration mounts. The four feet allows for a heavy point load to be easily support.

Reasons to choose the
StrutFoot Quad

  • HDG framework
  • Welded framework for strength
  • Designed for use with and without anti-vibration spring mounts


It’s not often you come across a company who genuinely care, having dealt with Steve & Malc at Strutfoot for a number of years, I have found them to be very proactive and helpful in their attitude. Their response times and indeed their product range have allowed us to gain many prestigious contracts. – MM

Independently designed & manufactured in the UK

Easy to install for individual projects or complete installations

Cross compatibility with all UNISTRUT© type brackets

No penetration of waterproof roof membrane

Anti-Vibration pads pre-attached to feet

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